If I get the money, I'll matter too. 如果我有了钱,我也是大爷。
Work hard to earn more Making money is no easy matter; any sensible company wants to reward hard-working employees who make a substantial contribution with a high salary. 努力工作多多收获挣钱并非易事;任何一家明智的公司都会对做出杰出贡献的辛勤员工以高薪回报。
And what did the money matter? 钱算得了什么?
How much does money matter to you? A good boss? Your own office? 钱、好的老板、自己的办公室这些对你来说有多重要?
No matter what they tell you, it's not free money, and no matter how high the limit, you shouldn't go blow it all on designer duds and a fancy vacation. 无论他们告诉你什么,它不是免费的,并且无论她告诉你最高限额是多少,你不应该搞砸所有设计师设计的衣服和高档度假。
Don't touch the money, NO MATTER WHAT! 不论发生什么事情,都不要去碰这一笔钱。
Large sums of money and strong connections won't matter for the success of a business if its founder does not have the desire to crush the competition. 如果一项事业的创始人没有粉碎竞争的欲望,那么大量资金和强大的关系网并不是事业成功的关键问题所在。
How much does money matter when thinking about same-sex marriage, or about marriage at all? 当谈及同性婚姻或者干脆只谈婚姻的时候,钱到底有多重要呢?
Conversely, in northern and western China, expect market vendors to reject coins outright. They only like paper money no matter how small the denomination. 相反,在中国的北部和西部,市场上的小贩会直接了当地拒绝接受硬币,他们只接受纸币,不管币值小到怎样的程度。
We are all 'funny' about money, no matter how much or how little money we have, writes Dr. Kate Levinson in her book Emotional Currency. 凯特·莱文森(KateLevinson)博士在《情感货币》(EmotionalCurrency)一书中写道,我们对待金钱的态度都很有趣,无论是有钱还是没钱人。
The loss of so much money if no laughing matter. 损失了这么多的钱可是件严重的事。
Only Abramovich can say'Yes I give the money, no matter what it costs '. 只有阿布拉莫维奇可以说:‘对呀,我会拿出钱来的,无论需要多少’!
Loaning someone money is not a trivial matter. 借给别人钱不是一件鸡毛蒜皮的小事。
His family were enormously wealthy even in college his freedom with money was a matter for reproach but now he'd left Chicago and come east in a fashion that rather took your breath away. 他家里非常有钱还在大学时他那样任意花钱已经遭人非议,但现在他离开了芝加哥搬到东部来,搬家的那个排场可真要使人惊讶不已。
And as with the corporate bonus, the amount of money didn't matter. 和上次调查中公司奖金情况类似,钱多少并不重要。
The captains of industry manage to hang onto their money no matter what. 不管发生什么情况,那些公司大老板们都会牢牢控制住他们的钱财。
Marrying a loved one with money is not the same as marrying money of which no matter who possesses. 嫁给有钱人并不等同于嫁给拥有财产的人的钱。
You shouldn't waste money no matter how rich you are. 不管你多么富有,你都不应该浪费钱。
You've got to find the money today, no matter what. 不管怎样,你今天都要交出这笔钱。
Not everyone deserves owning great amounts of money when we see the matter from this angle. 在这个意义上讲,有些人是不配享有大量的金钱的。
I've forgotten to bring my money.-no matter. I can lend you some. 我忘了带钱。没关系,我可以借点给你。
It was impossible not to make money no matter how poor a coder you were. 这是不可能不赚钱,无论穷人的编码你。
But if you're not around to spend that money, what does it matter? 可如果你又不能用到那些钱,又有什么用?
You're about to find out that people with money matter. 你将会发现有钱人是怎样的。
When central bank money is almost free, prices of risky assets are recovering and competitors have disappeared or are weakened, making money is a relatively simple matter for the strong survivors. 当央行几乎免费提供资金,风险资产价格回升,竞争对手消失或被削弱时,赚钱对于幸存的强大金融机构来说相对简单。
But, I thought my action is right because paying money is a matter of principle. 我自己认为我的做法是对的,因为是否付钱是一个原则问题。
Sure, interests and money and ideology all matter, as you learned in political science. 当然,利益、金钱和意识形态都有影响力,如你在政治课上所学。
I'm not going to tell you that money doesn't matter, because you wouldn't believe me anyway. 我不会告诉你们金钱无用,反正你们也不会听的。
Enterprise culture has become a type of significant strategic resource later on person, money, matter, and information during a company growth. 企业文化成了继人、财、物、信息之后企业成长又一重要的战略性资源。
It is well-known that money laundering is a global matter which need collectively act by all countries worldwide. 众所周知,洗钱是一个全球问题;全球问题需要世界各国采取集体行动来共同应对。